Pragmatic Rails: Write RIAs, not websites!

{{{ Dude, I was googling for _”RIA and Rails”_ recently. Latest posts were dated 2007. Oh wait, there’s “one”: from 2008 basically stating *”Rails needs components”* – which is “nothing new to me”: h3. What’s a RIA? A RIA nothing more than an acronym for Rich Internet Application. What’s that, again? * Usually that’s a… Continue reading Pragmatic Rails: Write RIAs, not websites!

Pragmatic Rails: Let’s do AJAX-backed Sidebar Widgets right, Jim!

{{{ Days ago “I explained how to write a sidebar widget in Rails”:, using the view component framework “Cells”: This was fun. Clicking a tag leads to a page reload, where the _Recent posts_ list *displays items matching the tag*, only. It worked great, however, each click needs a real HTTP request and a reload… Continue reading Pragmatic Rails: Let’s do AJAX-backed Sidebar Widgets right, Jim!

Rails Misapprehensions: What the fuck is MVP?

{{{ People usually make me feel slightly embarassed when they ask things like *”How does Cells handle MVP?”* or, even better, *”Is there any MVP _implementation_ in Cells?”*. Frankly, *I don’t have a fucking clue about the _real_ differences between MVP and MVC*. In the past I usually deflected people’s attention by buying beers instead… Continue reading Rails Misapprehensions: What the fuck is MVP?

Rails Misapprehensions: Cells don’t break MVC

{{{ I was posting “a stupid simple example how Cells can be used”: the other day. This controversial post got lots of great comments, thanks to all! While some just questioned Cells and its use, a few *comments really bashed the project* in a very aggressive way. *I like that.* The rudeness in some sequential… Continue reading Rails Misapprehensions: Cells don’t break MVC

Why Rails Controllers need a Double Render

{{{ In one of my last posts I “already discussed the improvements”: Cells brings to your Rails app by *providing view components*. The last day I had an lively discussion about the concept of _partials_ or page fragments in Rails. *Partials make me feel sick.* People ordinarily use ’em in order to have “_DRY_ code”.… Continue reading Why Rails Controllers need a Double Render

Getting a bloody Rails 3 generator running. And testing it.

Suck me sideways! It is said the generator layer in Rails 3 got really ohsom, flexible and whatever. I can now confirm “That’s true, somehow.” – nevertheless it took me years to figure out all the internals, conventions and places where to find documentation. What I wanted So here’s my requirement. I have a gem… Continue reading Getting a bloody Rails 3 generator running. And testing it.